  1. Star of this show
13. limb
14. less than nothing
15. certainly in a Pub
16. Swedish auto
18. Middle East port
19. small branch
20. tailless Madagascar primate
22. what you confess to her
24. snakelike fish
26. in the business of flying
29. goes with food
31. Christian denomination (abbr.)
32. each (abbr.)
33. in the matter of (abbr.)
34. young fellow
37. what she's very skilled with
38."       from the Madding Crowd"
40. run about in wild frenzy
42. condition from excess alcohol consumption (abbr.)
43. West African Rupublic
44. not Greek to mathematicians
45. Hospital Soap has royal flavour
46. Dick Cheney's role (abbr.)
48. historical period
50. Jewish State
53. "       culpa"
54. prevented by paint
56. half undecided
58. in your eye
60. dominant custom
63. intoxicated drivers - target of these ladies
65. in the Queen's list
66. ex residents at Number 10 (U.K.)
68. sequential alphabets
69. what she's all about

  1. Title of male counterpart to 1 Across
  2. political faction in Northern Ireland
  3. not large
  4. of help to patients (abbr.)
  5. absence of consonants
  6. of concern to intimate partners (abbr.)
  7. pronoun
  8. laundry cycle
  9. singular
10. gives fame to Lochgelly
11. the Ring's greatest?
12. nullify
17. subject of a Hamlet soliloquy
19. CBC TV's 10 P.M. News (abbr.)
21. travel aid
23. lodging for travellers
25. cream filled pastry
27. feeds on the printed word
28. devotional incantation
30. come to destination
35. prior to noon (abbr.)
36. perform
38. prized cup in English soccer
39. George W's main rival in Nov. 2000 election
41. first name of Rhodes scholar, actor, singer, songwriter
43. spy
44. sentence divider or time frame
47. what you seek for 22 Across
49. astrological sign
51. She certainly swings one
52. disordered Troy beauty
53. home to the Dolphins, Heat, Marlins
55. pronoun
57. in BDSM
59. statistics for baseball batters
61. Web address
62. mixed crude
64. can be crucial in criminal investigation
66. greeting
67. Government prosecuter(U.S.)(abbr.)